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Column Formats

The purpose of the formatting is to convert a Number and Date object to a human-readable string by using the culture-specific settings.

To apply specific column formatting, set the format option to the <kendo-treelist-column> tag.

<kendo-treelist ...>
    <kendo-treelist-column field="price" format="n2"></kendo-treelist-column>

Depending on the data type, the format option accepts different values.

The format is applied to the built-in filter components as well. For more details, refer to the Date Filter documentation section.

Number Column Formatting

You can set the format option to:

Predefined Number Formats

The predefined number formats are string literal specifiers which format numbers based on the locale.

<kendo-treelist ...>
   <kendo-treelist-column field="price" format="n2"></kendo-treelist-column>

The supported predefined format specifiers are:

  • n—Formats the number as a decimal number based on the locale. To specify the precision, you can add a number after the n. By default, the number is formatted and rounded to three decimal digits.
  • c—Formats the number as a currency based on the locale. The latest currency symbol of the specified locale is used for the formatting. To specify the precision, add a number after c.
  • a—The same as the c specifier except that the a specifier uses the currency accounting format.
  • p—Formats the number as a percentage based on the locale. The passed number is multiplied by 100. To specify the precision, add a number after p. By default, the number is formatted and rounded to zero decimal digits.
  • e—Formats the number in exponential notation.

The following example demonstrates the predefined number format specifiers in action.

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Number Format Objects

You can also format the TreeList column by setting the format option to a NumberFormatOptions object.

<kendo-treelist ...>
        [format]="{ style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay:'name' }"

The following example demonstrates how to format the TreeList column using NumberFormatOptions object.

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Custom Number Formats

When the predefined format options do not fit the requirements, you can create a custom number format string by using one or more custom number specifiers. This approach is useful when you want to format a percentage value without multiplying the number by 100 or when the number should appear as is (without setting decimal points).

The supported format specifiers are:

  • 0—A zero placeholder. It replaces the zero with the corresponding digit if one is present. Otherwise, zero appears in the result string.
  • #—A digit placeholder. It replaces the Pound sign with the corresponding digit if one is present. Otherwise, no digit appears in the result string.
  • .—A decimal placeholder. It determines the location of the decimal separator in the result string.
  • ,—A group separator placeholder. It inserts a localized group separator between each group.
  • %—A percentage placeholder. It multiplies a number by 100 and inserts a localized percentage symbol in the result string.
  • $—A currency placeholder. It is replaced by the locale currency symbol.
  • ;—A section separator. It defines sections with separate format strings for positive, negative, and zero numbers.
  • string or 'string'—A literal string delimiter. It indicates that the enclosed characters should be copied to the result string.
  • \—The backslash indicates that the next character should be treated as a literal character rather than as a special character or string delimiter.
<kendo-treelist ...>
    <kendo-treelist-column field="profit" format="##.## \\%"></kendo-treelist-column>

The following example demonstrates the custom number format specifiers in action.

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Date Column Formatting

You can set the format option to:

Predefined Date Formats

The predefined date formats are specifiers that convert a valid JavaScript Date object into a human readable date or time based on the locale.

<kendo-treelist ...>
   <kendo-treelist-column field="expirationDate" format="D"></kendo-treelist-column>

The following table lists the supported date format specifiers for the en locale.

dShort date pattern: M/d/y.10/6/2000
DLong date pattern: EEEE, MMMM d, y.Monday, November 6, 2000
FFull date and time pattern: EEEE, MMMM d, y h:mm:ss a.Monday, November 6, 2000 12:00:00 AM
gGeneral date and time pattern (short time): M/d/y h:mm a.11/6/2000 12:00 AM
GGeneral date and time pattern (long time): M/d/y h:mm:ss a.11/6/2000 12:00:00 AM
mRenders an abbreviated month and day pattern: MMM d.Nov 6
MWide month and day pattern: MMMM d.November 6
yRenders an abbreviated month/year pattern: MMM y.Nov 2000
YWide month and year pattern: MMMM y.November 2000
tShort time pattern: h:mm a.2:30 PM
TLong time pattern: h:mm:ss a.2:30:45 PM
sRenders a universal sortable local date and time pattern: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.2000-11-06T00:00:00
uRenders a universal sortable UTC date and time pattern: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ.2000-11-06 00:00:00Z

The following example demonstrates the predefined date format specifiers in action.

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Date Format Objects

You can format the TreeList date column by setting the format option to an object. The supported types of format options are:

  • Predefined formats (defined by the Unicode Locale Data Markup Language)—Sets the format from the dateFormats, timeFormats, and dateTimeFormats elements of the calendar.
        [format]="{ date: 'long' }">
  • Skeleton formats—Sets the format from the availableFormats of the calendar based on the date fields that you want to display.
        [format]="{ skeleton: 'yMMMdEHm' }">
  • Fields formats—Similar to the skeleton formats except that you need to set the required fields by using separate options in the same way as the Intl.DateTimeFormat object.
        [format]="{ year: 'numeric', month: 'long' }">

The following example demonstrates the date format objects in action.

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Custom Date Formats

When the predefined date format options do not fit the requirements, you can create a custom date format string by using one or more custom date specifiers. This approach is useful when you want to format dates in a specific format.

<kendo-treelist ...>
    <kendo-treelist-column ... format="dd MMM"></kendo-treelist-column>
    <kendo-treelist-column ... format="QQQQ y"></kendo-treelist-column>
    <kendo-treelist-column ... format="HH:mm:ss"></kendo-treelist-column>

The following table lists the supported format specifiers that can be used in custom date formats:

yRenders the year.
  • y—Full year and month (Sep 1996).
  • yy—Two digit year (96).
  • yyy, yyyy—Full year (1996).
MRenders the month.
  • M—Numerical month (1).
  • MM—Zero-padded numerical month (01).
  • MMM—Abbreviated month (Jan).
  • MMMM—Wide month name (January).
  • MMMMM—Narrow month name (J).
LThe same as the M specifier except that the L specifier uses the standalone names.See M.
dRenders the day of the month.
  • y d—Day of month (1996 8).
  • y dd—Zero-padded day of month (1996 08).
ERenders the day of the week.
  • E, EE, EEE—Abbreviated day name (Wed).
  • EEEE—Wide day name (Wednesday).
  • EEEEE—Narrow day name (W).
  • EEEEEE—Short day name (We).
eThe same as the E specifier except that it adds a numeric value that depends on the local starting day of the week.
  • e—Numeric day of the week (3).
  • ee—Zero-padded numeric day of the week (03).
cThe same as the e specifier except that it uses the standalone names.See e.
aRenders the day period.
  • a, aa, aaa—Short day period name(AM).
  • aaaa—Wide day period name (AM).
  • aaaaa—Narrow day period name (a).
hRenders the hour using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12.
  • h a—Show hour (1 PM).
  • hh a—Zero-padded hour (01 PM).
HRenders the hour using a 24-hour clock from 1 to 23.
  • H:mm—Show hour (1:00).
  • HH:mm—Two digits hour (13:00).
kRenders the hour using a 24-hour clock from 1 to 24.
  • k—Show hour (24).
  • kk—Two digits hour (01).
KRenders the hour using a 12-hour clock from 0 to 11.
  • K a—Show hour (1 AM).
  • KK a—Two digits hour (01 PM).
mRenders the minutes from 0 to 59.
  • H:m—Show minutes (1:1).
  • H:mm—Two digits minutes (1:01).
sRenders the seconds from 0 to 59.
  • HH:mm:s—Show seconds (01:01:1).
  • HH:mm:ss—Two digits seconds (01:01:01).
SRenders the fractional seconds. It truncates based on the number of letters.
  • s.S—Show fractional seconds (1.1).
  • s.SS—Two digits fractional seconds (1.12).
  • s.SSS—Three digits fractional seconds (1.123).
qThe same as the Q specifier except that the q specifier uses the standalone names.See Q.
QRenders a quarter of the year.
  • Q, QQ—Numerical quarter (3).
  • QQQ—Abbreviated quarter (Q3).
  • QQQQ—Wide quarter name (3rd quarter).
  • QQQQQ—Narrow quarter name (3).
zRenders the timezone.
  • z, zz, zzz—Short localized GMT format (GMT+2).
  • zzzz—Long localized GMT format (GMT+02:00).
ZRenders the timezone.
  • Z, ZZ, ZZZ—Show the ISO8601 format with hours and minutes (+0200).
  • ZZZZ—Long localized GMT format (GMT+02:00).
  • ZZZZZ—Extended ISO8601 format (+02:00).
xThe same as the X specifier except that the x specifier does not add the UTC indicator when the offset is 0 (zero).See X.
XRenders the timezone.
  • X—Show the ISO8601 format with hours and optional minutes (+02).
  • XX, XXXX—Show the ISO8601 format with hours and minutes (+0200).
  • XXX, XXXXX—Extended ISO8601 format (+02:00).
GRenders the era name.
  • Q, QQ, QQQ—Abbreviated era (AD).
  • QQQQ—Wide era name (Anno Domini).
  • QQQQQ—Narrow era name (A).

The following example demonstrates the custom date format specifiers in action.

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