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Default Configuration

To specify elements which render tooltips, wrap these elements in a kendoTooltip directive.

The default configuration of the Tooltip directive enables you to show a custom tooltip instead of the tooltip of the default browser. All elements with the title attribute inside the kendoTooltip directive display a tooltip. If neither a title attribute nor other configuration is provided, the tooltip is not rendered.

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To prevent the display of the default browser tooltip, the current implementation of the Kendo UI for Angular Tooltip relies on the following approach:

  • When the Tooltip is open:

    • The title attribute value of its anchor element is assigned to a data-title attribute.
    • The title attribute value of its anchor element is set to an empty sting.
  • When the Tooltip is closed, the current value of the data-title attribute is set back to the title attribute.

Angular has a specific behavior when the attr.title and title values are set to null or undefined:

  • The attr.title binding—Setting the value to null or undefined removes the title attribute from the DOM element.
  • The title binding—Setting the value to null or undefined changes the value of the title attribute to the null or undefined string.
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