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Data Binding

The Kendo UI for Angular Scheduler accepts an array of SchedulerEvent objects through the events attribute of the <kendo-scheduler> tag.

When you bind the Scheduler to data, note the following specifics:

  • When the data is received from an asynchronous source, pipe it through the async pipe.
  • Dates have to be represented by instances of the JavaScript Date object which ensures their correct handling and formatting.

Using the Built-In Directive

The built-in kendoSchedulerBinding directive filters events that are out of range and expands the recurring series in-memory.

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Recurring Events

The kendoSchedulerBinding directive expands recurring events in-memory by using the supplied recurrence rule. The rule is evaluated only for the visible time period of the current view.

Determining whether an event occurs in the current time period requires the evaluation of the recurrence rule. In practice, events with set recurring rules must be supplied unless the final date of the recurrence can be determined on the server.

Using Manual Binding

You can bind events by directly using the events attribute of the Scheduler. This binding mode is useful for skipping the built-in recurrence engine and using an alternative—for example, a server-side solution.

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Binding to Models

By default, the Scheduler accepts an array of SchedulerEvent objects as data. To bind the component to custom objects, bind a model field map to the modelFields property.

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Handling Current Date Range Changes

The dateChange event fires each time the current date range changes which allows the supply of the event data in smaller chunks that cover only the currently visible time period.

The dateChange event does not necessarily fire when the views get switched—for example, an Agenda and a Week view may cover the same date range.

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Binding of Resources

An event can have one or more "resources" assigned to it—for example, a meeting room or a guest list. To configure the Scheduler to display each resource as a sub-view, refer to the section on grouping by resources.

Each resource is described by a Resource object that contains all possible values for it. To define resources, set the resources attribute.

As a minimum, you have to define the following fields:

  • field—The field name of the event that contains the resource value.
  • data—The resource data array.
  • valueField—The field name from the data that contains the value of the resource.
  • textField—The field name from the data that contains the text of the resource.
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