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The ListView enables you to define its content by utilizing the provided list item, header, footer, and loader templates.

Item Template

To provide a template for each item that will be rendered in the ListView, nest an <ng-template> tag with the kendoListViewItemTemplate directive inside a <kendo-listview> tag.

The following values are available as context variables:

  • let-dataItem="dataItem" (any)—The current data item. Also available as an implicit context variable.
  • let-index="index" (number)—The current item index.
  • let-isFirst="isFirst" (boolean)—Indicates whether the current data item will be rendered as the first item on the list.
  • let-isLast="isLast" (boolean)—Indicates whether the current data item will be rendered as the last item on the list.

The following example demonstrates the kendoListViewItemTemplate directive in action.

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Header Template

To render a header section above the content container of the ListView, nest an <ng-template> tag with the kendoListViewHeaderTemplate directive inside a <kendo-listview> tag.

The following example demonstrates how to add a filter input in the header of the ListView.

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To render a footer section below the content container of the ListView, nest an <ng-template> tag with the kendoListViewFooterTemplate directive inside a <kendo-listview> tag.

The following example demonstrates how to add a metadata section and a Reload data button in the footer of the ListView.

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Loader Template

When the loading property of the ListView is set to true, the ListView will display its built-in loading indicator (see example).

To render a custom loading indicator inside the content area of the ListView, nest an <ng-template> tag with the kendoListViewLoaderTemplate directive inside a <kendo-listview> tag.

The following example demonstrates how to integrate the Kendo UI for Angular Loader component in the ListView.

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