Template-Driven Forms
The ListView provides options for editing its data by using the Template-Driven Angular Forms.
Basic Concepts
To implement the editing mode of the Kendo UI ListView for Angular in Template-Driven Forms, define the EditTemplateDirective
for the ListView items.
The editing of the ListView in template-driven forms is based on the item index. As a result, the Template Forms immediately update the value.
To enable the editing mode of the ListView in Template-Driven Forms:
Wrap the component in a form.
ts<form novalidate #myForm="ngForm"> <kendo-listview> <!-- the rest of ListView configuration goes here --> </kendo-listview> </form>
Pass an editing template.
ts<kendo-listview> <ng-template kendoListViewEditTemplate let-dataItem="dataItem"> <input [(ngModel)]="dataItem.ProductName" name="ProductName" class="k-textbox" required/> </ng-template> </kendo-listview>
Configure the commands. You need to define the command buttons inside the editing template.
ts<kendo-listview> <ng-template kendoListViewEditTemplate let-dataItem="dataItem" let-isNew="isNew"> <input [(ngModel)]="dataItem.ProductName" name="ProductName" class="k-textbox" required/> <button kendoListViewSaveCommand>{{ isNew ? 'Add' : 'Update' }}</button> <button kendoListViewCancelCommand>{{ isNew ? 'Discard changes' : 'Cancel' }}</button> </ng-template> </kendo-listview>
Attach handlers for CRUD data operations.
When the user clicks a command button, the ListView will emit the corresponding event. To instruct the component what action to perform, handle the event that is emitted.
ts<kendo-listview [data]="view | async" (edit)="editHandler($event)" (cancel)="cancelHandler($event)" (save)="saveHandler($event)" (remove)="removeHandler($event)" (add)="addHandler($event)" > <!-- the rest of configuration --> </kendo-listview>
Toggling the Edit State
Inside the corresponding event handlers, you can toggle the edit state of the ListView by using the following events:
Editing Records
The edit
event fires when the kendoListViewEditCommand
is clicked. Inside the event handler, you can toggle the editing mode of the item by calling the editItem
public editHandler({sender, itemIndex, dataItem}) {
// Close the previously edited item.
// Track the most recently edited item.
// It will be used in `closeEditor` for closing the previously edited item.
this.editedItemIndex = itemIndex;
// Clone the current - `[(ngModel)]` will modify the original item.
// Use this copy to revert changes.
this.editedProduct = Object.assign({}, dataItem);
// Edit the item.
Adding Records
The add
event fires when the kendoListViewAddCommand
is clicked. Inside the event handler, you can show the new item editor by calling the addItem
public addHandler({sender}) {
// Close the previously edited item.
// Open a new item editor.
sender.addItem(new Product());
Cancelling Editing
The cancel
event fires when the kendoListViewCancelCommand
is clicked. Inside the event handler, you can switch the item back to the view mode by calling the closeItem
public cancelHandler({sender, itemIndex}) {
// Call the helper method.
this.closeEditor(sender, itemIndex);
private closeEditor(listview, itemIndex = this.editedItemIndex) {
// Close the editor.
// Revert the data item to the original state.
this.editService.resetItem(this.editedProduct, itemIndex);
// Reset the helpers.
this.editedItemIndex = undefined;
this.editedProduct = undefined;
Saving Records
The save
event fires when the kendoListViewSaveCommand
is clicked.
public saveHandler({sender, itemIndex, dataItem, isNew}) {
// Update the data source.
this.editService.save(dataItem, isNew);
// Close the editor, that is, revert the item back into the view mode.
Removing Records
The remove
event fires when the kendoListViewRemoveCommand
is clicked. Inside the event handler, you can issue a request to remove the current data item from the data source.
public removeHandler({dataItem}) {
// Remove the current dataItem from the current data source.
// In this example, the dataItem is `editService`.