Editing and Saving All Grid Rows
Product | Progress® Kendo UI for Angular Grid |
How can I enable the edit mode of all Grid rows on the current page and save the changes for all edited rows?
This Knowledge Base article also answers the following questions:
- How to batch or bulk edit all Grid rows?
- How to save the changes for all edited rows in the Grid?
- How to store the edited rows in a
The following solution relies on custom buttons, rendered in the Grid ToolBar. When pressed they invoke the respective Grid methods in order to achieve multi rows editing.
The toolbar buttons and the logic implemented in their corresponding click handlers, could be further modified to meet specific project requirements.
The implementation relies on iterating the Grid data and might cause performance issues if a lot of Grid rows are rendered at the same time. You can use paging or virtual scrolling instead.
Editing All Rows
To put all rendered Grid rows in edit mode, iterate over the grid data and invoke the built in editRow
method for each row. The method requires a row index as first argument, and optionally a FormGroup
associated with each row as a second argument:
let rows: any = grid.data;
rows.forEach((_item, index) => {
let group = this.createFormGroup(rows[index]);
(this.formGroups.get('items') as FormArray).push(group);
if (this.isEdited) {
grid.editRow(index, group);
Store the created FormGroup
in a FormArray so that the respective form groups can be easily reused when necessary
let group = this.createFormGroup(rows[index]);
(this.formGroups.get('items') as FormArray).push(group);
Saving the Changes
When you want to persist the changes, iterate over the Grid data again and find the corresponding items from the created FormArray. Then you can save the edited and newly added rows by using a custom service method.
You can use the closeRow
method to exit the edit mode:
public saveChanges(grid: GridComponent) {
let rows: any = grid.data;
rows.forEach((_item, index) => {
const product = (this.formGroups.get('items') as FormArray).controls[index];
this.service.save(product.value, false);
if (saveNew) {
You can use the save
service method to update the Grid collection as necessary.
public save(product: any, isNew: boolean): void {
if (isNew) {
} else {
this.data.find(({ ProductID }) => ProductID === product.ProductID),
Adding New Rows
You can add new rows, by creating a form group for the respective row and passing it to the save
service method:
public addRowHandler(grid: GridComponent) {
this.formGroup = this.createFormGroup({
ProductID: this.counter++,
ProductName: '',
UnitsInStock: '',
CategoryID: null,
this.service.save(this.formGroup.value, true);
(this.formGroups.get('items') as FormArray).insert(0, formGroup);
The following example demonstrates the full implementation of the suggested approach: