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Validation Icons

The TextBox enables you to display icons indicating successful and erroneous processes based on different conditions or validation.

Built-In Validation Icons

To render the built-in validation icons, use the showSuccessIcon and showErrorIcon properties which accept values of type IconShowOptions.

The possible values are:

  • initial—Requires a form-bound TextBox component to run valid, invalid, touched, and dirty state checks.
  • boolean—Renders validation icons based on conditions set by the developer.
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Changing the Validation Icons

You can replace the default validation icons with custom ones by using the successSvgIcon and errorSvgIcon properties for SVG icons.

The following example demonstrates how to replace the default validation icons with Font Awesome SVG icons.

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If you prefer to use font icons and have Kendo UI for Angular configured to use them (as outlined in the Icon Settings documentation), you can specify them using the successIcon and errorIcon properties.

The following example demonstrates how to replace the default validation icons with Font Awesome Font icons.

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