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Keyboard Navigation

The keyboard navigation of the MaskedTextBox is always available.

The MaskedTextBox supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

Up ArrowMoves the cursor to the beginning of the MaskedTextBox.
Down ArrowMoves the cursor to the end of the MaskedTextBox.
Left ArrowMoves the cursor one position to the left.
Right ArrowMoves the cursor one position to the right.
BackspaceDeletes the previous character before the cursor and replaces it with the prompt (_ by default). Moves the cursor one position towards the start. The static symbols in the mask pattern that are also known as literals are skipped and only the cursor is moved.
DeleteDeletes the next character after the cursor and replaces it with the prompt (_ by default). The cursor remains in the same position. If the next character after the cursor is a static symbol in the mask pattern (literal) nothing is changed.
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