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Angular Grid Sorting Basics

The sorting functionality enables you to arrange the data by single or multiple fields in ascending or descending order.

You can enable the sorting feature by using two methods:

Using the Data-Binding Directive

When you use the built-in DataBindingDirective, the Angular Grid performs the sorting automatically for you. To enable the sorting when the kendoGridBinding directive is applied:

  1. Set the sortable option of the Grid.
  2. (Optional) Set the sort property to a collection of SortDescriptor objects. This allows you to sort the data by specific criteria during the initialization of the Grid.
    <kendo-grid-column field="ProductID"></kendo-grid-column>

Further details on how the data binding directive works under the hood are available in the data operations with the built-in directive documentation section.

The following example demonstrates the Grid sorting functionality when the kendoGridBinding directive is applied.

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