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Row Reordering

The row reordering feature of the Angular Grid allows you to rearrange rows by dragging them with the mouse. By default, the row reordering is disabled.

You can reorder the Grid rows by:

Using a Specified Handle

To enable the row reordering feature of the Grid:

  1. Set the rowReorderable property of the Grid to true. By default row reordering is disabled.
  2. Define a RowReorderColumn by using the <kendo-grid-rowreorder-column> tag. It will hold the dedicated drag handle for row reordering.

When the Grid data is bound using the DataBindingDirective, all data updates related to row reordering will be handled automatically.

The following example demonstrates how to drag and drop a row using a drag handle.

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Dragging the Row

To allow the dragging of a row without needing the dedicated handle, use the DragTargetContainer and DropTargetContainer built-in directives. This will allow the user to reorder a row by clicking anywhere on it:

  1. Create a wrapper container of the Grid and apply the built-in DragTargetContainer and DropTargetContainer directives.

    <div #wrapper
        ... >
  2. To define the drag and drop targets, configure the directives' properties.

    <div ...
        [hint]="{hintClass: 'rowHint'}"
  3. Use the dragData callback to fetch the row index.

    public dragData = ({ dragTarget }) => {
        return Number(dragTarget.getAttribute('data-kendo-grid-item-index'));
  4. Use the fetched index to reorder the rows and invoke the notify() method of the directives to reflect the changes.

    public onDrop(e: DropTargetEvent): void {
        const fromIndex = e.dragData;
        // update data

The following example demonstrates how to drag and drop a row.

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Customizing the Drag Handle

Тhe row reordering feature relies on a default handle to perform the drag-and-drop operation. The default handle is represented by the built-in RowReorderColumnComponent.

You can customize the default drag handle and render custom elements for dragging the rows by using the built-in RowDragHandleTemplateDirective.

The following example demonstrates how to render a custom drag handle for the row reordering feature of the Grid.

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Customizing the Drag Hint

To ensure the user-friendliness of the operation, the component displays a designated hint element with the current row data while dragging the rows within the Grid. You can modify the content of the drag hint by utilizing the built-in RowDragHintTemplateDirective and rendering the desired custom content.

The following example demonstrates how to display a custom drag hint for the row reordering feature of the Grid.

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Known Limitations

  • Row reordering does not work with sorting as both functionalities are mutually exclusive.