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Prompts the user to save a file with a specified name and content.

The saveAs function is designed to work with Data URIs and Blobs and save them as files on the client machine. Under the hood, saveAs either creates a link that is clicked or a form that is submitted to the proxy end point if a proxy is used.

  • Saving a Blob with a proxy is not supported and will result in an error.
  • To download files from a server endpoint, use the regular HTML5 download attribute on an anchor tag to trigger the download.
import { saveAs, encodeBase64 } from '@progress/kendo-file-saver';

const dataURI = "data:text/plain;base64," + encodeBase64("Hello World!");
saveAs(dataURI, 'test.txt');


data string | Blob

The content of the file as a Base64-encoded Data URI or a Blob.

fileName string

The desired file name.

options? SaveOptions

An optional proxy configuration to use during the file-saving operation. Ignored