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Disabled Dates

The Calendar allows you to disable the selection of specified dates by providing a disabledDates value to the component.

The Calendar supports the following approaches for disabling dates:

  • Using a function—The format for this input is (date: Date) => boolean. The approach disables each date for which the provided function returns true.
  • Using an array of dates—The format for this input is Date[]. The approach disables only the dates that are explicitly listed.
  • Using an array of days—The format for this input is Day[]. The approach disables the specified days of the week.

Using a Function

The following example demonstrates how to provide a function to disable every even date in the Calendar.

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Using a Date Array

The following example demonstrates how to provide an array of dates to disable the listed dates.

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Using a Day Array

The following example demonstrates how to provide an array of Day enum values to disable the listed days of the week, that is, the days of the weekend.

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