The Y-axis options.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
axisCrossingValue? |
When dealing with objects, it specifies the value at which the Y axis crosses this axis, for arrays it denotes the value indices at which the Y axes cross the value axis, and for dates, it represents the date at which the Y axis crosses this axis. To denote the far end of the axis, set a value that is greater than or equal to the axis maximum value. | |
background? |
The background color of the axis. | |
baseUnit? |
The base time interval for the axis labels.
The default | |
categories? |
The category names. Applicable for charts with X and Y category axes. | |
color? |
The color of the axis. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including HEX and RGB. | |
crosshair? |
The configuration options of the crosshair.
The crosshair is displayed when the | |
labels? |
The axis labels configuration. | |
line? |
The configuration of the axis lines. Also affects the major and minor ticks, but not the grid lines. | |
majorGridLines? |
The configuration of the major grid lines. These are the lines that are an extension of the major ticks through the body of the Chart. | |
majorTicks? |
The configuration of the Scatter Chart Y-axis major ticks. | |
majorUnit? |
The interval between major divisions.
If this is a date axis, the value represents the number of | |
max? |
The maximum value of the axis. | |
min? |
The minimum value of the axis. | |
minorGridLines? |
The configuration of the minor grid lines. These are the lines that are an extension of the minor ticks through the body of the Chart. | |
minorTicks? |
The configuration of the Y-axis minor ticks. | |
minorUnit? |
The interval between minor divisions. It defaults to one-fifth (1/5) of | |
name? |
The unique axis name. Used to associate a series with a Y axis by using the | |
narrowRange? |
If set to | |
notes? |
The Y-axis notes configuration. | |
pane? |
The name of the pane in which the axis has to be rendered. If not set, the axis is rendered in the first (default) pane. | |
plotBands? |
The plot bands of the Y axis. | |
reverse? |
If set to | |
title? |
The title configuration of the Scatter Chart Y axis.
To display the title, set the | |
type? |
The axis type. The options are If the series Y value is of the | |
visible? |
If set to |