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UI for Xamarin Forum
1 answer


I'm using the RadMaskedInput for Xamarin but it seems to ignore the RegEx completely.

I even used the example RegEx from the docs (the date validation) but even that one always returns true even when it's obviously an incorrect value.

What am I missing here?


Kind regards


Telerik team
 answered on 04 Oct 2021
1 answer

I am having an issue with a stack of RadMaskedInput Controls on a Xamarin Form. Only in iOS, when rotating the phone the width size of the MaskedInput does not auto adjust. I also have RadEntry boxes in the same Form that do adjust on rotation.

This only happens on iOS.


I am using a FlexLayout. Maybe, I am not seeing something, or I am doing something wrong. But it strange that it only happens on iOS and not Android.

If I exist the Form in the given rotation and then reenter the Form, the widths do adjust. But it takes an exit of the Form in the given rotation to force the control to resize. Again, this occurs only on iOS.


Is this an known issue? If not, I will supply more XAML for review.


<OnPlatform x:Key="PlatformCornerRadius" x:TypeArguments="x:Double"><On Platform="iOS">3</On><On Platform="Android">8</On></OnPlatform>
<OnPlatform x:Key="HeightScale" x:TypeArguments="x:Double"><On Platform="iOS">1.20</On><On Platform="Android">1</On></OnPlatform>  
<telerikInput:BorderStyle x:Key="EntryBorderStyle" BorderThickness="1" BorderColor="#4488F6" CornerRadius="{x:StaticResource Key=PlatformCornerRadius}" />



<Style x:Name="MaskedEditStyle" TargetType="telerikInput:RadMaskedInput">
    <Setter Property="ErrorColor" Value="Red" />
    <Setter Property="MaskType" Value ="Regex"/>
    <Setter Property="BorderStyle" Value="{StaticResource EntryBorderStyle}"/>
    <Setter Property="ScaleY" Value="{StaticResource HeightScale}"/>




<StackLayout Grid.Row="3" Orientation="Vertical">
          <Label StyleClass="entry-label">Last Name:</Label>
              InvalidInputErrorText="Invalid Email Address."
              WatermarkText="Email Address"
              Mask="{x:Static VM:FINSAccount.FINSCreateAccountViewModel.EmailExpression}"
              InputValue="{Binding FirstName, Mode=OneWayToSource}"
          /> </StackLayout>
Telerik team
 answered on 27 Mar 2019
5 answers



not have any properties of Value or Text?

And why the Displayed only Get?

"DisplayedText: Gets the displayed text.(Read-only)"


How can I load data and bind to RadMaskedInput to show data?


Lance | Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 12 Feb 2019
3 answers
How do you bind MaskedInput control to a viewmodel property?  I tried to bind to InputValue but I got a null reference error when I tried that.
Lance | Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 02 Oct 2018
6 answers



RadMaskedInput does not have any properties of TextAlignment or PlaceholderTextAlignment.

Will these features be supported?




Lance | Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
 answered on 27 Aug 2018
1 answer

hi all 

in Android there is android:inputType="number" which give you only numbers keyboard. I like the Maskinput but i want to keep it and have an ability to show a numeric only keyboard. 


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 answered on 12 Aug 2018
1 answer

Is there any way to set a keyboard type when using a Masked Input field? We are making use of it for some numeric-only fields, however I can't find any way to make the keyboard default to a numerical keyboard.


Even the example project has phone number input using the default text keyboard. Is there no way to set which keyboard type to use?

Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
 answered on 22 May 2018
3 answers
I have a Xamarin.Forms app using Telerik 2018.1 deployed to my Samsung Galaxy S7 (Android 7, API 24). When I use the MaskedInput control with a mask of (999) 999-9999 the app will crash if I attempt to use the paste function of the keyboard or enter a character after the mask is populated. In addition when trying to enter text in an empty mask it will skip characters and not populate correctly. I am getting results like this (2_1) ___ - 3_45.  It works fine in the Android emulator (Android 7.1, API 25). As it stands the MaskedInput control is completely useless.
Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
 answered on 24 Jan 2018
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