This is Abhi here and I am using teleric reporting for report generation in my project..Im getting a performance issue while using filtering option. My code is here...
this.Filters.AddRange(new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter[] {
new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter("= Fields.[Type]", ((Telerik.Reporting.Data.FilterOperator)(Telerik.Reporting.Data.FilterOperator.In)), "= Parameters.[Type]")});
reportParameter5.Name =
reportParameter5.UI.AvailableValues.DataSource = dsUsers.Tables[0];
reportParameter5.UI.AvailableValues.ValueMember =
reportParameter5.UI.MultiValue =
reportParameter5.UI.Text =
reportParameter5.UI.Visible =
It create dropdownbox and it filter the column fantastic but it shows one red asterisk near the dropdownbox if i pass empty value. and nothing happen if I press Prieview button.
since I have empty value also in that column(in few rows).. I have tried using
reportParameter5.UI.Allowblank= "true";
but nothing happens...
//2nd Issue
I have used multiview on my page and in one view i have kept telerik reportviewer control
when i run my page it shows perfect report but it is showing print, refresh,navigation button on the tab of the reportviewer twice.
pls clear my doubt
21 Answers, 1 is accepted
Pls Check my problem and help me its very urgent..
There are two approaches to achieve the desired functionality with a multivalue parameter editor. First you can use the DisplayMember property of the report parameter and specify a column name in your data table from which to get labels for the actual parameter values. In this way the empty value will get a specific label and the validation when clicking on the Preview button will not show the error mark. The second approach is to set the AllowNull property of the parameter to true and use the Null check-box to specify the empty value.
As for the second problem, please check whether you have the following links in the head element of the page:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ReportingSite/Telerik.ReportViewer.axd?name=Skins.Default.ReportViewer.css&version=" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ReportingSite/Telerik.ReportViewer.axd?name=Resources.ParametersArea.css&version=" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ReportingSite/Telerik.ReportViewer.axd?name=Resources.ReportViewerInternal.css&version=" />
If they are not registered you can add them manually and try again. If the links exist and the buttons appear twice, please check the response for the ReportViewerInternal.css with the Fiddler tool and let us know the result.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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this.Filters.AddRange(new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter[] {
new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter("= Fields.[Type]", ((Telerik.Reporting.Data.FilterOperator)(Telerik.Reporting.Data.FilterOperator.In)), "= Parameters.[Type]")});
reportParameter5.Name =
reportParameter5.UI.AvailableValues.DataSource = dsUsers.Tables[0];
reportParameter5.UI.AvailableValues.ValueMember =
reportParameter5.UI.MultiValue =
reportParameter5.UI.Text =
reportParameter5.UI.Visible =
All my Row Comes but that particular row in which type column is empty is not displaying...I want that row should also comes if it is selected in the dropdown.....
this.Filters.AddRange(new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter[] {
new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter("= Fields.[Type]", ((Telerik.Reporting.Data.FilterOperator)(Telerik.Reporting.Data.FilterOperator.In)), "= Parameters.[Type]")});
reportParameter5.Name =
reportParameter5.UI.AvailableValues.DataSource = dsUsers.Tables[0];
reportParameter5.UI.AvailableValues.ValueMember =
reportParameter5.UI.MultiValue =
reportParameter5.UI.Text =
reportParameter5.UI.Visible =
A possible solution can be to modify the queries that select the data for the rows. Lets suppose your table contains 5 rows. In case that your empty values are represented with the NULL value:
Instead of selecting
try the following query
SELECT COALESCE(Type, 'None') AS Type FROM Table1
In case that your empty values are represented with an empty string value:
Instead of selecting
write the following query
SELECT CASE WHEN Type = '' THEN 'None' ELSE Type END AS Type FROM Table1
In both cases you will came up with a dataset containing the following data:
If you are using different datasets for the report parameter and as a data source for the report please apply this approach for both.
Set the AllowBlank and the AllowTrue properties of the parameter to false.
Then your Filter expression will work properly as expected.
If you do not want to see that 'None' value on you report's surface, in the TextBox item that renders it, use the following expression:
= IIf(Fields.Type = "None", "", Fields.Type)
If this approach does not correspond to your scenario in any way, please create and send us a sample project with a runnable report and sample data (for example XML file) that reproduces your issue. Thus we will be able to help you more precisely.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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Thanks you a lot ..
Just now Im usng demo version and my comp has the liscence for it..can you tell me which full version of telerik reporting should I I need to implement this in my project..
You should ask the purchaser for your compaty to add you as licensed developer to his account in order to have access to the dev version of the controls, or simply use his account to download it for production environment.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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Once again Im back with one more problem----
I have a Reportviewer in my page to which I m binding the report.
Everything is fine working but I m getting three scrollbar(Both)-
1.Reportviewer Scrollbar
2.Report scrollBar
3.Browser ScrollBar
It Dosen't look good .I need Only one Could i do it..
Help me ..thanks
Have you specified width and height for the ReportViewer? Note that if you have specified this in percentage you should make sure that all parents of the ReportViewer should have them specified as well - form, body etc. If still having problems, please send us a screenshot and your report in an official support ticket, so we can review it locally and advise you accordingly.
the Telerik team
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hi, I got the soln for the earlier problem...
Now I need to know about sorting . Is there any way like clicking on header name it got sorted.i mean like rad grid..............................
Currently we do not have "interactive" reports/regions support. What you can do is prepare your own UI (e.g. buttons + dropdownlist) that would simulate the desired behavior.
Please excuse us for the inconvenience.
the Telerik team
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one ui problem is coming in dropdown in filter section when i run my report
We have a size dropdown on the tab below filter for size(50%, 75%....)
when I open filter dropdown(or datetime) for selecting , the reflection of size dropdown box is coming at the top of the filter dropdown surface..what could be the reason and how can be so;ved...
Help me if it can be possible..
If you are referring to the SubCategory dropdown from this example (, then yes we're aware of this limitation. Currently you would have to click somewhere outside of the dropdown in order for it to close.
All the best,
the Telerik team
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Can u pls tell me how can i use checkbox in item template of radmenu
when i select checkbox and press button in radmenu event should pass
[] item1
btnupdate btncancel
All inside radmenu
Help me to do this
I am not sure what exactly you want to implement. Could your please be more specific?
You can refer to the help topics on Templates Overview and Accessing Controls Inside Templates. Also, you can review the Templates online example.
I hope the above resources help you get started.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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I m back with one more problem in telerik reporting ...Im using the same verion i downloaded in Last year(2008) may-jun
when I give parameter for filter it come as drpdown/datepicker.. I wnt to change the dropdown and datepicker that I have used in me entire project..Is it possible.. then please tell me the way
i have to create a report that have around 30 fields.
i want to make it as a form instead of grid in telerik reporting
How to make it possible.. please help me with way it can be done
Customizing the built-in parameter that comes with the report viewers is not possible. If you want to change it, you would need to make the parameters UI Visible=false and provide your own UI for handling the filtering.
As for your second question, we're not sure what do you mean. By default when using the Report Wizard to "generate" the report, the fields are in a table-like layout, but you can always change their layout and move them around to suit your needs.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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Abhi is back with new requirement of mine.. I m using report parameter with UI is visible that means i m getting dropdown at the top ..but i want one data to be default selected of my choice(I dont want select All) how can I do it.
please make it early for me....
Generally when you want to set a default value for a parameter, you use the Value property of the parameter directly through the report parameters editor or programmatically this.ReportParameters["MyParam"].Value.
You can see this in action in our Product Line Sales demo report and read more about handling multivalue parameters in this blog post.
the Telerik team
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This article helped me immensely, but needed fine tuning for my requiements.
Given: Empty values had been substituted by the string "None".
I didn't want a long list of None, so while populating your report fields,
fieldbox.ItemDataBound += new System.EventHandler(finalFormatting);
protected void finalFormatting(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
Telerik.Reporting.Processing.TextBox textBox = (Telerik.Reporting.Processing.TextBox)sender;
try {
if (textBox.Value.Equals("None")) textBox.Value = "";
catch (Exception e) {
So in your report parameter, you see the word None. But when yuo choose it, your report shows whitespace.