hi sir,
Below are
the issues raised by warehouse on dynamic report:
Point Issue Expected result
A ------ Column D and column E is merge , This shouldn’t merge as they need to use for reporting purpose(the example show in below screenshoot)
B ------ When exported, it is converted to text. Please export it out to excel as numbers(like date as date integer as number)(the example show in below screenshoot)
C ------ Column A with blank value generated Please remove the column. This is not needed(the example show in below screenshoot)
This three issue rectify soon
12 Answers, 1 is accepted
the above issue in excel
A ------ Column D and column E is merge , This shouldn’t merge as they need to use for reporting purpose(the example show in below screenshoot)
Cell merging in Excel export is usually due to mispositioned items in the report. When exporting to Excel, the Reporting engine tries to maintain the items positions. If the report contains a table, make sure its cell contents are aligned with the cell bounds. If the report is a band report, make sure the items are aligned with each other and that the top and height match for all the items in a row.
Check the Design Considerations for Excel Rendering article for more details.
B ------ When exported, it is converted to text. Please export it out to excel as numbers(like date as date integer as number)(the example show in below screenshoot)
If the value of a TextBox is set to a number without '=' (e.g. to '123') it will be interpreted as String. If you need the type to be, for example, Integer, it will be necessary to set is as '=123'. If the value is coming from a data field, it will preserve the type of the field. Check the attached screenshot for clarity.
C ------ Column A with blank value generated Please remove the column. This is not needed(the example show in below screenshoot)
The reporting engine tries to preserve the designed layout of the report. I suspect that the blank cell is there to account for blank space that is set in the report design. If you want to remove the blank cell it will be necessary to remove the blank space in the report definition.
If you need further clarifications you may send us the report definition for local investigation.
Progress Telerik
A ------ Column D and column E is merge , This shouldn’t merge as they need to use for reporting purpose(the example show in below screenshoot)
U say mispositioned in the report where it in the screen shot
B ------ When exported, it is converted to text. Please export it out to excel as numbers(like date as date integer as number)
i use like this
Dim detailsTxt As New Telerik.Reporting.TextBox
detailsTxt.Value = "=Fields.[" + col.ColumnName.ToString & "]"
in this how we the set If the value is coming from a data field.
A ------ U say mispositioned in the report where it in the screen shot
In order to specify which are the mispositioned items we will need the report definition. On the screenshot I cannot see all the items that include cells from the column with the merged cells.
B ------ When exported, it is converted to text. Please export it out to excel as numbers(like date as date integer as number). The value is coming from a data field.
When the value comes from a data field its type will be preserved. If the data is coming as string and you need it converted to other type you may use our built-in Conversion Functions.
Progress Telerik
hi sir,
"B ------ When exported, it is converted to text. Please export it out to excel as numbers(like date as date integer as number). The value is coming from a data field.
When the value comes from a data field its type will be preserved. If the data is coming as string and you need it converted to other type you may use our built-in Conversion Functions."
u reply the above line from that i use the
but when i use the cint it throw the error convertion integer to string
There may be a conversion error if the value passed to CInt function is not a valid Integer - check for example the attached screenshot.
If the incoming value type is not known, you may use a Custom User Function to handle the conversion and return the value with a proper type as Object to be displayed in the report.
Progress Telerik
A ------ Colum A and merge Column D and column E is merge , This shouldn’t merge as they need to use for reporting purpose the below code is for generating excel in "datas" is a datatable in this we have all value.
the "Dim headerTxt As New Telerik.Reporting.TextBox" is used for header and "Dim detailsTxt As New Telerik.Reporting.TextBox" is used for columns.
Code for using to generate the excel:
For Each col As System.Data.DataColumn In datas.Columns
Dim datas1 As New DataTable
If HttpContext.Current.Session("databaseslt") IsNot Nothing Then
Dim tempstr1 As String = ""
tempstr1 = "select [Type] from [" + HttpContext.Current.Session("databaseslt") + "_position] where LField='" + col.ColumnName.ToString + "'"
Dim sqlcon1 As New SqlConnection(HttpContext.Current.Session("FTCS"))
Dim sqlcmd1 As New SqlDataAdapter(tempstr1, sqlcon1)
End If
Dim headerTxt As New Telerik.Reporting.TextBox
headerTxt.Size = New SizeU(Unit.Inch(1.05), Unit.Inch(0.2))
headerTxt.Location = New Drawing.PointU(Unit.Inch(iniLeft), Unit.Inch(0.01))
headerTxt.Style.Font.Bold = True
headerTxt.Style.Font.Size = New Unit(10)
headerTxt.Style.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle
headerTxt.Style.TextAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left
headerTxt.StyleName = "Caption"
headerTxt.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(121, 167, 227)
headerTxt.Value = col.ColumnName.ToString
headerTxt.CanGrow = True
headerTxt.TextWrap = False
headerTxt.Multiline = True
Dim detailsTxt As New Telerik.Reporting.TextBox
detailsTxt.Size = New SizeU(Unit.Inch(1.05), Unit.Inch(0.2))
detailsTxt.Location = New Drawing.PointU(Unit.Inch(iniLeft), Unit.Inch(0.01))
detailsTxt.Style.Font.Size = New Unit(10)
detailsTxt.Style.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle
detailsTxt.Style.TextAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left
detailsTxt.StyleName = "Data"
detailsTxt.CanGrow = True
detailsTxt.TextWrap = False
detailsTxt.Multiline = True
detailsTxt.Format = Format("{0:N}")
detailsTxt.Value = "=Fields.[" + col.ColumnName.ToString & "]"
iniLeft = iniLeft + iniWidth
the below screen shot show the merge column in excel.
the below screen shot show the column before export
is there any solution for this
Another thing if i enable the textwrap then the two row combine that i show in below screenshot.
i want as one row.
The horizontal merge of cells in Excel export is usually due to vertically misaligned report items in the entire report. I suspect that there may be an item above/below the Table that occupies only cell A or B and as the first cell of the Table is longer or misaligned with respect to this item the merge occurs.
The second issue is probably due to text that is longer (may have white space at the back) than the width of the cell, and is wrapped.
I cannot say what is the exact reason for the issues without a runnable report. I see also that the report definition is modified with code.
We will need the entire report with the code behind and sample data to try to explain the observed layout and to suggest a solution or workaround.
Progress Telerik
B ------ When exported, it is converted to text. Please export it out to excel as numb
Dim datas1 As New DataTable
If HttpContext.Current.Session("databaseslt") IsNot Nothing Then
Dim tempstr1 As String = ""
tempstr1 = "select [Type] from [" + HttpContext.Current.Session("databaseslt") + "_position] where LField='" + col.ColumnName.ToString + "'"
Dim sqlcon1 As New SqlConnection(HttpContext.Current.Session("FTCS"))
Dim sqlcmd1 As New SqlDataAdapter(tempstr1, sqlcon1)
End If
Dim headerTxt As New Telerik.Reporting.TextBox
headerTxt.Size = New SizeU(Unit.Inch(1.05), Unit.Inch(0.2))
headerTxt.Location = New Drawing.PointU(Unit.Inch(iniLeft), Unit.Inch(0.01))
headerTxt.Style.Font.Bold = True
headerTxt.Style.Font.Size = New Unit(10)
headerTxt.Style.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle
headerTxt.Style.TextAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left
headerTxt.StyleName = "Caption"
headerTxt.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(121, 167, 227)
headerTxt.Value = col.ColumnName.ToString
headerTxt.CanGrow = True
headerTxt.TextWrap = False
headerTxt.Multiline = True
Dim detailsTxt As New Telerik.Reporting.TextBox
detailsTxt.Size = New SizeU(Unit.Inch(1.05), Unit.Inch(0.2))
detailsTxt.Location = New Drawing.PointU(Unit.Inch(iniLeft), Unit.Inch(0.01))
detailsTxt.Style.Font.Size = New Unit(10)
detailsTxt.Multiline = True
detailsTxt.Style.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top
detailsTxt.Style.TextAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left
detailsTxt.StyleName = "Data"
detailsTxt.CanGrow = True
detailsTxt.TextWrap = False
If datas1.Rows(0)("Type").ToString = "Number" Then
detailsTxt.Format = Format("{0: N}")
ElseIf datas1.Rows(0)("Type").ToString = "Date" Then
detailsTxt.Format = Format("{0:D}")
'DoNotify("After conversion")
End If
detailsTxt.Value = "=Fields.[" + col.ColumnName.ToString & "]"
iniLeft = iniLeft + iniWidth
'DoNotify("Addd" + Convert.ToString(iniLeft))
pls check and reply
The code i say number work but not work, in sql amount column is bigint and give the format like this
If datas1.Rows(0)("Type").ToString = "Number" Then
detailsTxt.Format = Format("{0: N}")
end if
in reportviewer show like this
excel also same
when double click it show original value.
In the code I see that the text of the content of detailsTxt is set like :
detailsTxt.Value = "=Fields.[" + col.ColumnName.ToString & "]"
It is not clear what is the content type of col (e.g. col.DataType). This type defines the type of the data in the TextBox, hence how the data will be exported also in Excel. Note that I cannot test the example code as the value we are interested in comes from a session/database I cannot access.
I tested with long type that corresponds to SQL bigint. The value was correctly displayed in both Excel formats as number.
I will test further if you sent us a runnable example with sample data that demonstrates the problem.
Progress Telerik