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What is the equivalent for radscheduler timeslotitem in radscheduleview?

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jeya asked on 26 Jul 2011, 02:28 PM
We have timeslotitemtemplate property in radscheduler. I could not find it in radscheduleview. I want to know what is the equivalent for radscheduler timeslotitem in radscheduleview. Someone can help me plz?

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answered on 27 Jul 2011, 10:00 AM
Hi Jeya,

The slots in RadScheduleView are referred to as Highlightitems. If you generate the Style for RadScheduleView in Expression Blend , you will notice the styles that are responsible for the normal, mouse over, selected, resize and drag-and-drop states of the highlight items: HighlightItemStyle, MouseOverHighlightStyle, SelectionHighlightStyle, ResizeHighlightStyle and DragDropHighlightStyle. You can use these styles to customize the appearance of the highlight items / slots.

As a whole the equivalent of the TimeSlotItem would be the HighlightItem. A useful and noteworthy fact is that the HighlightItemStyle is a part of the SpecialSlotStyleSelector. You can check more on this topic here.

I hope this helps.

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the Telerik team

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