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What happened with v.2011.3.1116.40? DnD stopped working for me

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Lynne asked on 18 Nov 2011, 06:43 PM
I upgraded to the new version to try and get some of the bugfixes, but my DnD has stopped working.  Trying to start a drag operation switches the cue to a no-drag icon and nothing gets dragged.

Are there changes in DnD that I missed in the release notes?

And, to be quite frank, I don't have the time to re-write my DnD code to cope with whatever it is you've done, so I also need to know how to downgrade my installation.  Your "Upgrade Wizard" only knows how to upgrade, apparently.  I need to get back to the previous version.  What's the fastest and most accurate way to do this, please?


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Telerik team
answered on 21 Nov 2011, 08:55 AM

 Will you post more info about your scenario? Any code example demonstrating the problem?

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the Telerik team

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answered on 12 Dec 2011, 06:54 PM
DnD also doesn't work at all for me in the Q3 release. It was broke in the Q2 release. Trying to use it in Q2 would cause an unhandled exception (null reference if I remember). That was confirmed by Telerik in the forums. In the Q3 release, the StartDrag() event handler is called but the DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, data, DragDropEffects.Copy) call does not initiate the DnD op, it simply returns (without any exceptions being generated).

My code is pretty straight forward and is posted below.

It looks like we'll be rolling back to the previous version, too. In Q2, it was only DnD being broken. Now, we also have PanelBarItems that are not sizing correctly and it is taking two clicks to switch a RadPane if it has not been selected before. We're not making progress by updating so we plan on discussing that issue.

private void StartDrag(MouseEventArgs e)
    if (_pluginControlViewModel == null)
    //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("StartDrag {0}: started", GetHashCode().ToString("X8")));
    IsDragging = true;
    DataObject data = new DataObject(typeof(PluginControlModel), _pluginControlModel.ToXml());
    data.SetData(typeof(LLamasoft.DataGuru.Plugin.ConfiguredActionContract), _pluginControlModel.ConfiguredActionContract);
    DragDropEffects de = DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, data, DragDropEffects.Copy);
    IsDragging = false;
    //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("StartDrag {0}: ended", GetHashCode().ToString("X8")));
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