I just noticed that in the web report viewer, that you are able to export a report without entering any required data. Is there a way to prevent this?
Thanks, MIke
2 Answers, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 16 Dec 2009, 03:17 PM
Hi Michael Love,
This is hardly a real life scenario, as users require specific info to be displayed and exported and for that they have to select a parameter value. If a parameter is not selected, a warning sign is shown to hint you that a value should be selected as well as error message: "Please input data for all parameters". Under what circumstances would you continue and try to export after this point?
I agree that it is not a normal scenario. I just noticed the issue because my code was expecting there to be a parameter set and I received an exception. It just seems like the export command should work like the Preview command.