Hello again Telerik friends,
I have a strange situation going on when creating reports with the Editor for VS2008... But first thing first, my system config:
Telerik Reporting 2008 Q2
Windows XP - English
Keyboard config - Portuguese.
Now, when I open an editor tab in the VS2008, my keyboard goes mad, and starts to write non accentuated char, by example, when I try to write an á the output in the screen is ´´a ... but more strange than that is that all the applications I try to write that char, the output will be always the wrong one. When I close that tab, the output becomes to be the expected... odd no? Any thoughts about that?
Note, that I don't have any viruses, or any kind of malicious soft in my machine, thats for sure. This only happens when I open the Editor tab in VS2008 IDE.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
Sandro Martins