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Visual Studio 2008 Report Editor strange behavior with the keyboard

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Sandro asked on 19 Jun 2009, 01:54 PM
Hello again Telerik friends,

I have a strange situation going on when creating reports with the Editor for VS2008... But first thing first, my system config:

Telerik Reporting 2008 Q2
Windows XP - English
Keyboard config - Portuguese.

Now, when I open an editor tab in the VS2008, my keyboard goes mad, and starts to write non accentuated char, by example, when I try to write an á the output in the screen is ´´a ... but more strange than that is that all the applications I try to write that char, the output will be always the wrong one. When I close that tab, the output becomes to be the expected... odd no? Any thoughts about that?

Note, that I don't have any viruses, or any kind of malicious soft in my machine, thats for sure. This only happens when I open the Editor tab in VS2008 IDE.

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.


Sandro Martins

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Jun 2009, 02:59 PM
Hello Sandro,

This is a known issue that is logged in our bug tracking system. Unfortunately we have not been able to identify what is causing this problem yet, but we would continue to investigate. For the time being please copy paste a pre-typed set of the acute characters á, é, í, ó, ú etc.

Please excuse us for the temporary inconvenience.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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