Is there a way to control the Visibility of the individual categorical data points within a BarSeries (or any series), assuming that the series are defined by a ChartSeriesProvider?
I'm essentially looking to toggle the visibility of the various values available in the CategoryPath property of the CategoricalSeriesDescriptor below. The entire XAML for my chart is as follows:
<telerik:RadCartesianChart x:Name="chart" Grid.Column="1" Palette="Windows8">
<telerik:LinearAxis LabelFormat="P0"/>
<telerik:ChartSeriesProvider Source="{Binding ExposureChartData}">
<!--Current Weight Series-->
<telerik:CategoricalSeriesDescriptor ItemsSourcePath="SeriesData" ValuePath="CategoryValue" CategoryPath="CategoryName">
<Style TargetType="telerik:BarSeries">
<Setter Property="CombineMode" Value="Cluster"/>
<Setter Property="ShowLabels" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="LegendSettings">
<telerik:SeriesLegendSettings Title="{Binding SeriesName}"/>