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Viewer Upgrade Bug?

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David asked on 23 May 2018, 01:41 PM

Has anyone else noticed this or am I doing something wrong.

Upon getting a new version of the various Telerik suite of libraries, I often end up running the Report Upgrade wizard.  That wizard seems to be doing something wrong in VS 2017.   Here is an example of what I am seeing.

I have telerikReportViewer- and telerikReportViewer.kendo. in my existing project.  The project is bound to Team foundation Server source control..  Upon running the wizard, the project processes normally and appears to update correctly.  That catch I am seeing is that the wizard appears to remove the old version of the viewers from your project and adds the new version to your project.  All of this seems to be done outside source control.


I.E., at the end of the upgrade cycle, source control still thinks the items are in your project and that the upgraded versions are not part of your project.  A manual update of both is necessary.  I do not see this behavior on other suites such as ASPX or MVC/Kendo products.


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Telerik team
answered on 28 May 2018, 09:01 AM
Hello David,

We tested the issue locally updating a Telerik Reporting project in VS 2017 from to We couldn't reproduce the described behavior.
The references in the Html page with the Html5 Report Viewer were correctly updated and successfully added to the TFS source control.
The old version reference were not deleted from the source control. We will investigate the reason for this behavior and try to improve it.

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