Hello. Please give an idea to start with ...
I have RadWatermarkTextBox. And I've added INotifyDataErrorInfo to my VM implementation.
When DisplayMode is Static - I can see validation errors. But When it's Tooltip telerik:ValidationErrorTemplateHelper.DisplayMode="ToolTip"
I can't see.
By the way. if I use static mode I also don't see red bottom border line. And red arrow at top right corner, my error text is just a black font without read rectangle around and etc.
Looks like missing styles. But I can't understand which one. I imported xaml files for Win11 style. I see that there is a definition for RadWatermarkTextBox Validation Styles.
And another question. UpdateSourceTrigger doesn't work as expected when set explicitly to PropertyChanged for RadWatermarkTextBox
I found that some other control has a special attach property like UpdateValueEvent. But this control doesn't have such option.
Hi Valentin,
I have tested this an d it works on my side. I have attached my test project. Could you please check it and let me know how it differs from your real setup?
Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.Hi Valentin,
Ok, please update the project so it reproduces both issues and send it to me. This way I can proeprly investigate.
I am looking forward to your reply.
But have another question now. How can I show similar Validation.ErrorTemplate on RadPasswordBox? for example when user forgot to enter password I want to show mark that this is a required field. I already could add binding to my ViewModel via Behaviour.
How can I show Validation error?
Hi Valentin,
RadPasswordBox inherits RadWatermarkTextBox and this should work the same there. Are there any issues on your side with the password box?
I am looking forward to your reply.
My View model implements INotidyDataErrorInfo.
To bind value from RadPasswordBox to ViewModel Property I had to add Behaviour that will be subscribed to passwordChanged event(due to the point that PaassowrdBox.Password is not a Depndency property.
But in this case it will not show Validation Error as for example RadWatermarkTextBox does. I suppose it works so due to the point that my binding is in Behavior not in PasswordBox itself and probably that's why it doesn't see Validation errors. It's just an assumption from my side.
Can you give me an idea how to make it work? Have Validation and binding to VM. I don't care about security reason of storing password in memory in that case. In my application it's not a problem
Hi Valentin,
This seems a very specific case. Opening a new support ticket and attaching your project there would be better. This way we can properly investigate and determine what is causing this.
Thank you for your understanding.