Good day all!
trying to pop up to a new webpage from a grid. I want to pop it up in a controlled manner meaning not new window or tab rather just set the parameters of the window; hence I am using a javascript to do the window popup.
Anyways here is how I am building it:
columns.Bound(p => p.Tracking).ClientTemplate(
"<a style='text-decoration:underline' target='_blank' href='javascript:popWindow('../myHinkleyCust/HLI_Tracking.aspx?Close=1&HideMenu=1&o= #= OrderNumber # ')'>Tracking" + "</a>"
).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "text-center" }).HeaderHtmlAttributes(new { @class = "fw-bold text-center" }).Width(125);
However the script doesn't build correctly and my javascript looks like this:
In other words it breaks at the first '
Any help would be much appreciated :)