First I would like to say that I'm very impressed with level of customization you allow and the easy to understand and quite comprehensive online documentation.
I don't know whether to post this question under 'Chart' or 'ChartView' yet I attend to use the one that will resolve my current issue.
I'm developing for a touch environment (wpf pixelsense sdk 2).
My goal
When a user touches anywhere on a graph (stacked area series) - show him information about the data point he touched.
In a technical aspect:
1. Use touch down/click/manipulation events to recieve a data point
2. Alternative solution - to be able to get the item (data point) in a given position. This way I will be able to trap touch events manually.
I cannot use any mouse events, only touch events.
What I've tried:
experiment 1
1. Add 'ChartTrackBallBehavior' to my chart
2. Register to 'TrackInfoUpdated' event
3. Use 'e.Context.ClosestDataPoint' to get data point of current position
Since I'm using touch device I need this event to be triggered when touching (touchdown event) but it doesn't.
I saw a possible workaround but it seems to be relevant only to wp8 controls and not to wpf (link)
experiment 2
1. Register to 'radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.ItemClick' event.
2 Use the event arguments which include information on the clicked item.
It works only if I uses the mouse, when using touch the event is never beng promoted (might be because the chart is hosted inside scatterviewitem) . I have tried to bypass this issue without success.
Any workaround exists on current version will be much helpful.
First I would like to say that I'm very impressed with level of customization you allow and the easy to understand and quite comprehensive online documentation.
I don't know whether to post this question under 'Chart' or 'ChartView' yet I attend to use the one that will resolve my current issue.
I'm developing for a touch environment (wpf pixelsense sdk 2).
My goal
When a user touches anywhere on a graph (stacked area series) - show him information about the data point he touched.
In a technical aspect:
1. Use touch down/click/manipulation events to recieve a data point
2. Alternative solution - to be able to get the item (data point) in a given position. This way I will be able to trap touch events manually.
I cannot use any mouse events, only touch events.
What I've tried:
experiment 1
1. Add 'ChartTrackBallBehavior' to my chart
2. Register to 'TrackInfoUpdated' event
3. Use 'e.Context.ClosestDataPoint' to get data point of current position
Since I'm using touch device I need this event to be triggered when touching (touchdown event) but it doesn't.
I saw a possible workaround but it seems to be relevant only to wp8 controls and not to wpf (link)
experiment 2
1. Register to 'radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.ItemClick' event.
2 Use the event arguments which include information on the clicked item.
sender, ChartItemClickEventArgs e)
// Here I can use e.DataPoint or e.ItemIndex
It works only if I uses the mouse, when using touch the event is never beng promoted (might be because the chart is hosted inside scatterviewitem) . I have tried to bypass this issue without success.
Any workaround exists on current version will be much helpful.