I’m trying to do something similar to Automation. I need to drive a Web App containing Telerik controls. Specifically, I need to click (which activates functionality) on elements of a RadPanelBar. The RadPanelBar has two levels. The top level has four siblings, each of which has about a dozen sub items.
I am using a Win Form application running a WebBrowser control. This hosts the page pointing to the Telerick based web page containing the RadPanelBar. I can successfully programmatically “Click” the top level item. I first find the HtmlElement from its text property as shown on the working Telerik application. I then simply use the element.InvokeMember(“click”) method. This successfully expands the list of sub items on the page. Doing the same on the sub elements successfully finds the HtmlElement, but the InvokeMember(“click”) method does nothing. It does not give an error nor does it activate the code behind associated with the element.
I’ve looked at the underlying Dom for the page and have done Google searches using key words found in the actual html generated by the RadPanelBar in conjunction with keywords WebBrowser and InvokeMember. All to no avail.
I am hoping someone with underlying knowledge of the RadPanelBar can suggest reasons why it works on the first tier, but not the second and hopefully points me in the right direction.
Thanks for any help you can provide.