Dear Telerik support, the bug I reported back in 2008 (possible bug in params - Martin P - Posted on Aug 19, 2008) seems to be back in Q1 2010, when rendered in the web reportview and a trailing space exists an error is shown "invalid value. - Parameters: One or moreparameters are not set or have invalid values"
In a multi-value parameter ddl if just the value with a trailing space is selected you get the error but what is much worse is if all the ddl values are selected and preview is pressed the report displays but has automatically de-selected the param with the trailing space and displayed the data minus any calc which would've been taken into account from the missing val. You get no errors so do not know the report is incorrect.
As previously reported "An easy fix to place an RTRIM() in the dataset but think this is a bug an caught me out completely." AGAIN!!
I'm disappointed this has happened again and my client has been working with incorrect figures based on the reports