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Upgrading Reporting to newest version

1 Answer 77 Views
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Jonathan Zee
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Jonathan Zee asked on 22 May 2013, 02:23 AM
Hi there,

We are in the process of planning for the upgrading all our telerik tools (including reporting) from our current versions which are about 3 years old to the latest versions and would like some advice on the best way of doing so.

We currently use Telerik for AJAX, Telerik winforms and Telerik reporting tools for our inhouse system and are thinking of starting the upgrade with reporting tools first.

We will be trying to do this sequentially and concurrently, also take the opportunity to upgrade visual studios from 2008 sp1 to 2012.

As we are thinking of upgrading the telerik reporting api first, we would like to know whether the best way is upgrade incrementally by versions ( time consuming since our current version is v4.1.10.714) or just download the latest telerik version. The reports are used by both the webapplications and winforms app and are stored in its own report project.

Please advise?



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Telerik team
answered on 22 May 2013, 08:51 AM
Hi Jonathan,

Our recommendation is to review the release notes for the API changes first. Generally in Q1 2013 we have deprecated some properties and types thus our suggestion is to first upgrade to Q3 2012 SP1 with the Upgrade Wizard. Once the upgrade is successful rebuild the project, examine all reports and see if there are any obsolete warnings, if there are remove them before upgrading. If the warning are coming from Telerik Reporting, you only need to make a little change in the designer (like moving a TextBox and returning it to its previous position) and the code will be re-serialized with the new API, thus removing the obsolete warnings. Afterwards you can upgrade your solution without worries to the latest official release Q1 2013 SP1. 


Have you tried the new visualization options in Telerik Reporting Q1 2013? You can get them from your account.

General Discussions
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Jonathan Zee
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Rank 1
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Telerik team
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