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Upgrade path for ancient reports...

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Xorcist asked on 27 Feb 2014, 08:52 PM
So I'm currently part of a team that has been tasked with revamping a major corporation's reporting systems. There are a massive amount of reports done in Crystal Reports 8 (circa 1999) that we'd like to move over into Telerik Reporting. I know Telerik can convert from Crystal 10 and later, but what are my options for Crystal 8? Are there any converters that will get me from 8 to 10, so I can use Telerik for the conversion from 10 to Telerik? Any advice would be appreciated.

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answered on 04 Mar 2014, 05:29 PM
Hi John,

The supported versions of Crystal Reports are stated in the help article. Please note that these converters are just a help utility and they do not guarantee one-to-one conversion and are provided as is. This means that it is not guaranteed that they will convert everything, especially since there are a lot features that do not have analog on our end and vice versa. Ultimately you will have to check all converted reports and fix them manually if anything is missing.

Please also note that as a best practice we can advise you to create your reports from scratch since that way you will be able to get to know the product better, which will help you in the future creation and modification of your reports.

As for converters from one version of Crystal Reports to another you should check their official website.


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