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Unit Of Measure case

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Benoit Massy
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Benoit Massy asked on 01 Apr 2010, 02:30 PM
Hi, I develop a report with some graphics that I scaled base on percentage of a datatable. Everything running well until I put my report on the production server. Graphics where with a completly different wrong scaled. The graphics was made with pixels as unit of measure. It appears that the number of pixels on my station was not the same on the server. So I changed all the graphics in cm and the problem is not there anymore.

During the process to change from pixels to centimeters,  I would have to like to let Telerik Reporting to change the unit of measure but I had to make it by myself... Now, when I start a report, I put the property UnitOfMeasure in cm so every component I put on the report iniherit this unit.

If it can help someone.

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Telerik team
answered on 02 Apr 2010, 03:14 PM
Hello Benoit Massy,

There is no way for us to change the unit for existing items as we're not sure whether this is desired or not, moreover pixels are device dependent unit, which cm are not and there is no pattern we can use to migrate those values except explicit replacement. Which on the other hand can be done manually by opening the Report.Designer.cs file and search and replace all UnitType.Pixel with UnitType.Cm.

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the Telerik team

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Benoit Massy
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