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Unable to publish report

5 Answers 270 Views
Report Designer (standalone)
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kilhoffer asked on 24 Sep 2018, 04:58 AM
From the report designer, I've created a connection to the reporting server successfully. I created a new report and testing it with web preview works as expected. However, when I attempt to publish the report, I get an error message stating "Publish operation failed". I see no other details to understand why it would not publish. Any ideas where I can look for more details or is there something I should be doing prior to publish?

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Sep 2018, 01:00 PM
Hi kilhoffer,

In our local test environment, the report can be opened, locked, updated and published successfully - Working with Report Server Reports

Note that on you can select to keep the lock on the file, and if it is the selected option the file remains locked even after the changes are submitted to the server.

We will need some additional information in order to troubleshoot the described issue. You can open new support ticket and send is the following:
- While the Report Designer is open go to the Help menu and check the Report Designer Version number.
- Also, use Fiddler to record from the downloading of the report for editing to the publishing. This will allow us to check the requests sent to the server and their responses in Fiddler - Inspectors - Request/Response - Raw tabs. The information can be saved in SAZ file and forwarded to us.
- Check the server and client machines Event Viewers and search for error logs related to the Standalone Report Designer and the Report Server.

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answered on 18 Nov 2018, 07:47 PM


Thanks for your detailed reply. I've compiled all the information you outlined and I've created a support ticket. Looks like I'm getting a 500 error from the server when attempting to publish. Nothing in the event viewer on the server and the only error message coming back is "An error occured". Not sure what's going on, but hopefully whoever works the support ticket can help me find out.



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answered on 20 Nov 2018, 03:11 PM

Hi Anthony, I'm having the same problem, did you solve it?



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answered on 20 Nov 2018, 03:15 PM

Yes! I opened a support ticket and we got to the bottom of it. Our issue turned out to be a mismatch in host names in webhooks configuration. We moved our instance from one EC2 instance to another, and I forgot to change the url in configuration. 

Hope that helps.....good luck!

Telerik team
answered on 20 Nov 2018, 03:20 PM
Hello Allen,

Please check whether your web hooks configuration URL is the same as your report server host. To do that, go to report server application Configuration page and navigate to WEBHOOKS section. Check the Report Server base URL.
I hope that this would help. If not, I would ask you to attach a Trace listener to the Report Server by adding/uncommenting the following code to/in the Web.config file of the Report Server application deployed by default in (Telerik Report Server installation folder)\Telerik.ReportServer.Web (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Report Server\Telerik.ReportServer.Web) :
    <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">
            <add name="myListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener"initializeData="C:\Temp\Telerik.ReportServer.log" />
            <remove name="Default" />
Once the log is generated, please open new support ticket and send it to us for further investigation.

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Report Designer (standalone)
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