I have a problem to change th font size of the radpanegroup header when using the metro them. I have already tried this code :
First :
I have a problem to change th font size of the radpanegroup header when using the metro them. I have already tried this code :
First :
<telerik:RadPaneGroup FontSize="26" >
<telerik:RadPane x:Name="_outputControl" CanUserClose="True" Header="Output" >
<ContentControl Grid.Row="0" regions:RegionManager.RegionName="OutputRegion" />
Second :<Window.Resources>Nothing work, Is there a way to change the font size?
<Style x:key="headerStyle" TargetType="telerik:RadPaneGroup" BasedOn="{StaticResource {telerik:ThemeResourceKey ThemeType=telerik:MetroTheme, ElementType=telerik:RadPaneGroup}}">
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="26"/>
</Window.Resources><telerik:RadPaneGroup Style="{StaticResource headerStyle}">
<telerik:RadPane x:Name="_outputControl" CanUserClose="True" Header="Output" >
<ContentControl Grid.Row="0" regions:RegionManager.RegionName="OutputRegion" />