I have a TreeListView which is supposed to show a collection with different filters applied in two view states, the states are maintained by one bool property in the view model.
The value converter works correctly in that I can see the values being passed and returned, and in one of the states all items in the collection are shown correctly in the view. When switching back to the previous state, and the second collection view is bound, only a few of the rows are shown, even though this second collection contains the required number rows.
The above code shows how the ItemsSource is bound, the IsExpanded property maintains the state is a boolean, and DataContext is the viewModel with the two collection view properties.
The two collectionview sources are SummaryView and SortedView. When the control is first loaded, the summary view is shown, when expanded the SortedView is shown.
Additionally, if the SummaryView is empty, then the Visibility of the treelistview is set to collapsed. In the expanded view the treelistview, the visibility however works fine.
Thank You
I have a TreeListView which is supposed to show a collection with different filters applied in two view states, the states are maintained by one bool property in the view model.
The value converter works correctly in that I can see the values being passed and returned, and in one of the states all items in the collection are shown correctly in the view. When switching back to the previous state, and the second collection view is bound, only a few of the rows are shown, even though this second collection contains the required number rows.
"{StaticResource IsExpandedToCollectionViewConverter}"
"{RelativeSource AncestorType=Grid}"
The above code shows how the ItemsSource is bound, the IsExpanded property maintains the state is a boolean, and DataContext is the viewModel with the two collection view properties.
The two collectionview sources are SummaryView and SortedView. When the control is first loaded, the summary view is shown, when expanded the SortedView is shown.
Additionally, if the SummaryView is empty, then the Visibility of the treelistview is set to collapsed. In the expanded view the treelistview, the visibility however works fine.
Thank You