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TreeListView ComboBoxColumn updating

4 Answers 76 Views
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Max asked on 14 Jul 2011, 07:37 AM
I have a TreeListView and simple data binding with PropertyChanged notification. Selecting a ComboBox value causes updating of node's child elements in the tree but sometimes cells don't get updated. PropertyChanged() invoked, actual value changed but no reaction from grid. New values appear only after scrolling or shrinking\expanding tree node. I suppose this strange behaviour is due to cells virtualization but don't know how to fix it.

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Telerik team
answered on 14 Jul 2011, 08:21 AM
Hi Max,

I have tried to reproduce the issue you reported, but without any success. Please take a look at the sample attached to verify whether there are no misunderstandings according to your requirements.

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the Telerik team

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answered on 15 Jul 2011, 12:19 PM
Hi Maya
   I've investigated your sample and tried to use my own code with this sample, it works fine there. But unfortunately a real project much more complicated and I still have a problem described above. I searched on the forum and found a number of similar questions without distinct answers.
  In our project ViewModel is not a static resource. The most strange thing is that grid doesn't refresh sometimes, not always. But binded properties are always have correct values and PropertyChaned is fired constantly.
Telerik team
answered on 15 Jul 2011, 12:36 PM
Hi Max,

In this case, it would be great if you could supply a sample project reproducing scenario. Thus I will be able to debug it locally and provide a valuable solution. If appropriate, you may change the project attached previously so that it respects your scenario and reproduce the issue.

the Telerik team

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answered on 15 Jul 2011, 01:17 PM
I've found this topic It's pretty old, but it seems that the problem with tabs is still there. I also have several tabs with grids on it. Now I call Rebind() for each grid by it's IsVisibleChanged event and it works, but it's just a workaround with performance hit.
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