We are using telerik control in our Excel-Addin Application.
Functional working: we launch a form on clicking the button ("open form") at add-in ribbon. User will drag the tree nodes to spreadsheet cells.
Issues we face
1. We don't want hint of node when we perform the drag and drop on spreadsheet cell. (Version used 2010.1.10.504)
2. We tried to use the new version DLL from Telerik but some serious issue arises (Version used 2011.2.11.831)
a. item drag event is getting called multiple times.
b. Cursor remains the NO cursor after dragging the node to area of spreadsheet
Code written on item drag event is as follows
Please do provide the solution.
Functional working: we launch a form on clicking the button ("open form") at add-in ribbon. User will drag the tree nodes to spreadsheet cells.
Issues we face
1. We don't want hint of node when we perform the drag and drop on spreadsheet cell. (Version used 2010.1.10.504)
2. We tried to use the new version DLL from Telerik but some serious issue arises (Version used 2011.2.11.831)
a. item drag event is getting called multiple times.
b. Cursor remains the NO cursor after dragging the node to area of spreadsheet
Code written on item drag event is as follows
Private Sub RadTreeView1_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadTreeViewEventArgs) Handles RadTreeView1.ItemDrag
If Not IsNothing(RadTreeView1.SelectedNode) Then
Dim strSelected As String = RadTreeView1.SelectedNode.Text
RadTreeView1.DoDragDrop(" ", Windows.Forms.DragDropEffects.Copy)
Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveCell.Value = "LB (" & "" & ControlChars.Quote.ToString() & strSelected & ControlChars.Quote.ToString() & "" & ")"
End If
End Sub
Please do provide the solution.