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Xavier Soares
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Xavier Soares asked on 19 Dec 2008, 01:30 PM

I need to translate many textbox controls on my reports. I'm using, like you suggest in help, a lot of functions to do that work. For example:

Translate_Customer("en"), to translate value to English
Translate_Customer("fr"), to translate value to French

This works fine, but I don't think this is the best way to do this work! I need to translate many textboxes in a lot ot reports and I've tried to create a public class with all the translations that I need. Then, I use that class in the report code. When I run the report in my windows applicattion I always get the following error:

"#ERROR# The expression contains undefined function call Translate_Customer"

Please, can you suggest me how to solve my problem?

Thank You

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Telerik team
answered on 19 Dec 2008, 02:22 PM
Hi Luis Mauricio,

This is the globalization help article in our documentation - can you share where do we suggest to handle this with user functions?
As for the error you receive, there are three cases we can think of, why you might get this error message:

First one is if you have typed in the function manually without rebuilding the class library and therefore it does not exist.
Second one is if you are trying to use the function with wrong number of parameters. Make sure that the passed fields match the function signature you've defined.
Third is if the field you specify in the function is null for some reason. Make sure you handle such cases in your user function.
For a reference to a report with options for various languages, you can refer to our product catalog example.

If the above is not relevant to your case, please elaborate on your exact scenario.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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Xavier Soares
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