Hello All,
I have complained in the past about the RadWindow's inability to show consistantly (seen here), and even with Teleriks recomendations to invoke the window via Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(), the simple truth is the window just won't show if the host application is not the active window. But that is another topic and not the focus of this thread.
Currently, I have a need to build a re-authentication function in my application that shows a RadWindow dialog to the user; requesting their credentials. This re-authentication process fires 10 minutes before the user's logon token expires. The issue I'm having is as follows:
- If the user does not have the window focused (let's say they are checking e-mail), the Re-authentication RadWindow does not show. =(
- If the user is interacting with an other active RadWindow dialog (call it ActiveWindow1 for short), while the Re-authentication RadWindow is trying to display, it false behind the ActiveWindow1 and the user is unaware of the fact that thier logon is about to expire.
My question is this: Is there a way to test for the discover the top most RadWindow dialog before invoking my Re-authentication window? This way I can either minimize it, hide it, or assign it as the Owner of the new dialog. Short of creating my own custom RadWindow class that tracks every window via some private static collection; I don't see a way of accomplishing this beahavior.
- Rashad Rivera