With the new SVG icons, how can I migrate the following so the toolbar is rendered correctly when the grid is initialized? Even the demo for the toolbar template is broken with the 2023 SVG icon changes: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/toolbar-template
<script id="toolbartemplate" type="text/html"><div class="flex toolbar">
<div class="left flex">
<span class="k-input k-input-sm k-rounded-lg k-input-solid k-grid-search">
<span class="k-input-icon k-icon k-i-search"></span>
<input autocomplete="off" placeholder="Search..." title="Search..." class="k-input-inner">
<a role="button" class="k-link k-button k-button-solid-base k-button-solid k-button-sm k-rounded-lg k-flat addrecord" title="Add User"><span id="add-icon" class="k-icon k-i-plus"></span></a>
<div class="right">
<a role="button" class="k-link k-button k-button-solid-base k-button-solid k-button-sm k-rounded-lg k-flat fa-button resetgrid" href="\#" title="Reset Grid"><span class="k-button-icon k-icon fas fa-redo icon"></span></a>