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Too Many Pages

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Andrew Buxton
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Andrew Buxton asked on 16 Sep 2010, 11:28 AM

I have a simple report that runs from a stored procedure. The stored procedure returns 50 rows to the detail section via a table. My issue is that the report is generating 67 pages, when it should in fact be only two. I have checked the stored procedure and the output is 50 rows. The report seems to be repeating the same data over and over again. This issue occurs both in the designer and the report viewer. I am user the Q2 2010 version of Telerik reporting.

Appreciate any help,


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Telerik team
answered on 17 Sep 2010, 05:07 PM
Hello Andrew Buxton,

You are the first one to report such behavior related to stored procedure and we are unable to reproduce it. We will appreciate if you send us a sample runnable project through the support system, thus we can debug it locally and advise you accordingly.

P.S. Are you by any chance getting blank pages in your report? If you do, please check out the Telerik Reporting renders blank pages KB article. 

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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answered on 13 Aug 2018, 06:18 PM

Hi Peter,

Sorry for my bad English. I am from Indonesia. :)

I also have the same problem. I use a simple query against the database to get a table. I had used the KeepTogether= false for both Table and the Section. The amount of times Telerik Reporting generate equals total records. For example, if the query returns 8 records, Telerik Reporting will generate 8 times. It really bugs us, as the clients always print the data returned from the query Everyday. 

I uploaded the Exported PDF from the app:!AofdFVokdRF1h3JNAJsYVPdFzQMC . It should be two pages, not the freaking 325 pages...

I appreciate any help


Willy Saefurrahman


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Andrew Buxton
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Telerik team
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