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TimeLine as VideoEditing Tool

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Marcelo asked on 30 May 2012, 10:15 PM

I was wondering if the Timeline control is good for using as an video editor. I need a line that cross verticaly the component, which I can use to seek for the current crossed files (displayed as events). I can find the corretly position by using the start_time of the event and the current position of that line and display exactly the part of the file that i need, but.I can't figure out how do I insert that crossed line into the component.

Another solution might be using the TimeBar component instead, but with that component I can't browse more than one stream in the same time, or I did't find an way of doing that.


Eng. Marcelo

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answered on 31 May 2012, 09:40 PM
Ok, I'm almost done, but I get one problem...
When I use the slider (the scrollbar that you can change the intervals) the VisiblePeriodStart and VisiblePeriodEnd are only updated when the user release the mouse click and not during the scroll moviment.

Are there any event that I can use to repaint during the use of the scrolling bar? I need that to update the crossed line (that cross the entire TimeLine component and works as an seeker) during the scroll.
Telerik team
answered on 02 Jun 2012, 01:14 PM

You can use the ActualVisiblePeriodRange in this case. It is updated while the user is dragging the thumb of the slider.

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David Gerding
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answered on 07 Aug 2012, 11:19 PM
Any chance either one of you would be willing to post an example project?  This is exactly what I'm looking for... and I haven't had any luck getting my attempts to work.  Need two or more videos synched to the limeline or timebar scrub action...

Any help appreciated.

Dave G
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answered on 10 Aug 2012, 11:53 AM

Because of my company's nda agreement I canĀ“t send to you any kind of project. But, I can give you some steps to achieve this:

First of all, you need to put an slider over the TimeLine with same size. The slider will be your seeker. Then, when the user clicks over the scrollable button and make a move it fires an event which sets the minimal and maximum values of the slider with the VisiblePeriodRange.. The select value of the slider will be your current time, which you can use to seek the file. Obviously, you need to put an fuction to convert the current seeker time to the time of the video, which will be the current seeker time minus the start time of current video. For negative values, the video will not be played while other values you can set the seeker.

To get the video start time, you can create an List with objects that represents the video itself, with start, length and data. Then all you need is to put that list as an item source of the TimeLine, and set the StartPath and DurationPath properties of the TimeLine component to point to the properties of the object.

The problem that i'm facing is related to the position of those videos over the timeline, because you can't define accurately which row of the TimeLine  the video will be inserted when loaded.

I hope with this, you can get the idea to start your project. =]

Marcelo Kogik
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David Gerding
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