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Timebar Animation Exception, Version 2011.1.405.40

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Muhammad asked on 14 Dec 2016, 02:59 PM


I have the license for version 2011.1.405.40. And in this version, i am getting the Animation exception whenever i move the mouse over the timebar control. Apparently it is trying to access Hand property of Cursor and it is unable to animate it over the Border control. Following is my code:

<telerik:RadTimeBar x:Name="timeBar"
                <telerik:MinuteInterval IntervalSpans="1,10,15,30"/>
                <telerik:SecondInterval IntervalSpans="10,15,30"/>


I have attached the image of exception as well. The newer version does not have this bug, but I cannot upgrade due to compatibility issues. I hope that there is a fix for this, disabling the animation or something like that. 
Waiting for your early response. Thanks!

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answered on 19 Dec 2016, 08:50 AM
Hi Muhammad,

This is to inform you that you'll receive answer to the same question you asked in the other thread (Ticket ID: 532139) started by you in the corresponding timeframe. 
I'll copy-paste my answer from the Support thread here for anyone in the forum that might come upon the same issue. However I'd like to ask that you avoid duplicate threads in future as this makes it hard for both sides to follow the conversation.

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answered on 21 Dec 2016, 01:21 PM
Hi Muhammad,

As promised I'm copy-pasting my answer from the other thread here:

I was able to reproduce the problem locally with your sample project. The exception is very clear though -- you can't animate the Cursor property of MS native Border element with ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames animation. As my colleague Tsvetie stated in this forum post we were unable to reproduce the issue with later assemblies than the one you are using. I tested it with latest asemblies as of Q3 2016 as well and I can ensure you that everything works as expected. I even tried looking for animations that manipulate Cursor but was unable to find such with our latest version of the RadTimeBar control.

So to overcome the issue you'll have to manually resolve it. For the purpose you might try to extract the default Style of the RadTimeBar control and search for ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames that has TargetProperty Cursor and simply comment or delete it. When you are sure that this is the exact animation that throws the exception you might try fixing it like this for example:

<ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames  Storyboard.TargetProperty="(FrameworkElement.Cursor)">
                      <DiscreteObjectKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00">

Since the Border element inherits FrameworkElement this will work whenever the cursor is over the Border.

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