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The SkinPath property doesn't work properly

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Duy asked on 18 May 2009, 09:15 AM
I'm using WebForm ReportViewer in Telerik Reporting version I have a problem with SkinPath property because it sees relative url incorrectly when website is hosted right on a web application (without under virtual path). In that case, the path was resolved incorrectly so it causes all images on viewer to be broken (disappear).
I use below simple markup ReportViewer on ascx user control (put on a page named ViewReport.aspx)

<telerik:ReportViewer ID="rptView" runat="server" Skin="ReportViewer" SkinsPath="~/Teleriks/Images" ... /> 

In above code, I set a relative url in SkinsPath property in order the image folder's path is always resolved correctly wherever this user control would be put. And the issue comes up when I deploy the web site to IIS. There are two cases:

1. When my website is hosted under a virtual path of a web application (e.x: http://localhost/TelerikApp/ViewReport.aspx, TelerikApp here is a virtual path on web application, not a folder in website), the images show up fine on report viewer (image's url is /TelerikApp/Teleriks/Images/[name].gif).
2. When the website is hosted right on a web application without virtual path (e.x: http://localhost/ViewReport.aspx), images disappear on report viewer because it was resovled incorrectly. I used Firebug to debug and saw the image's url is "//Teleriks/Images/[name].gif".

Does ReportViewer cause that behaviour (resolving the relative url in SkinPath property) or it's default ASP.NET processing ? If it's Telerik, could you help me find a solution (because i'm going to put ReportViewer markup in skin file so the path should be consistent) ?

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Telerik team
answered on 19 May 2009, 09:32 AM
Hello Duy,

The behavior you describe is expected and is how the .NET framework handles paths. As you said and as set as info for the SkinsPath property - it expects relative path to the skin folder.
If what you're aiming for is having a single folder you can use for multiple applications, our advise is to use the second approach from this KB article.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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answered on 20 May 2009, 05:26 PM
Thank a lot, Telerik.
I'll try it :)
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answered on 21 May 2009, 09:22 AM
In stead of setting SkinPath attribute, juse use UseEmbeddedScripts=false attribute and make a RadControls folder at root website. It's fixed now
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