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The Reporting Problem hit me again

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Vuyiswa asked on 28 Jun 2011, 08:48 AM
Good Day Guys

Months  ago i posted this thread

and the problem was that my barcode does not show. I hosted my application in IIS Service(Not my machine) and i get the Following Error,

The type 'Telerik.Reporting.Service.ReportService, Telerik.Reporting.Service, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a9d7983dfcc261be', provided as the Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive, or provided in the configuration element system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/serviceActivations could not be found.

if you look at the thread i created you will notice that i am familiar with the Endpoint article.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <sectionGroup name="system.serviceModel">
      <section name="domainServices" type="System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting.DomainServicesSection, System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" requirePermission="false" />
    <add name="ReportLibrarydev.Properties.Settings.Ecashcdb_devmotovate" connectionString="Data Source=oops;Initial Catalog=oops;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=oops;Password=oops" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
    <add name="ReportLibrarydev.Properties.Settings.oops connectionString="Data Source=oops;Initial Catalog=oops;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=oops;Password=oops" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
    <add name="FilesDataBaseConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=oops;Initial Catalog=oops;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=oops;Password=oops" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2147483647" executionTimeout="2147483647" />
    <identity impersonate="true" />
      <add name="DomainServiceModule" type="System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting.DomainServiceHttpModule, System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
      <add name="DomainServiceModule" type="System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting.DomainServiceHttpModule, System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
      <add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule" />
    <compilation targetFramework="4.0" />
    <globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" />
    <!-- Enable session state for all the pages in the Web application. -->
    <pages enableSessionState="true" enableViewState="true" enableViewStateMac="true" validateRequest="false" />
        <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_ILogger" closeTimeout="00:10:00" openTimeout="00:10:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:10:00" allowCookies="false" bypassProxyOnLocal="false" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard" maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" messageEncoding="Text" textEncoding="utf-8" transferMode="Buffered" useDefaultWebProxy="true">
          <readerQuotas maxDepth="2147483647" maxStringContentLength="2147483647" maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" />
          <security mode="None">
            <transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None" realm="" />
            <message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default" />
        <binding name="BasicHttpBinding_IBLLService" closeTimeout="00:10:00" openTimeout="00:10:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:10:00" allowCookies="false" bypassProxyOnLocal="false" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard" maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" messageEncoding="Text" textEncoding="utf-8" transferMode="Buffered" useDefaultWebProxy="true">
          <readerQuotas maxDepth="2147483647" maxStringContentLength="2147483647" maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" />
          <security mode="None">
            <transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None" realm="" />
            <message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default" />
      <endpoint address="http://XXXXXXXXX/BusinessLayer/BLLService.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_IBLLService" contract="Business.IBLLService" name="BasicHttpBinding_IBLLService" />
      <endpoint address="http://XXXXXXXXX/Logger/Logger.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_ILogger" contract="Logger.ILogger" name="BasicHttpBinding_ILogger" />
      <service name="Telerik.Reporting.Service.ReportService" behaviorConfiguration="ReportServiceBehavior">
        <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="Telerik.Reporting.Service.IReportService">
            <dns value="localhost" />
        <endpoint address="resources" binding="webHttpBinding" behaviorConfiguration="WebBehavior" contract="Telerik.Reporting.Service.IResourceService" />
        <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
        <behavior name="">
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
        <behavior name="ReportServiceBehavior">
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
        <behavior name="WebBehavior">
          <webHttp />
    <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />
    <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
    <directoryBrowse enabled="true" />


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Telerik team
answered on 30 Jun 2011, 10:54 PM
Hello Vuyiswa,

As with the previous thread which you have referenced, you should look into the ReportService.svc file and make sure the specified version matches the version of the Telerik Reporting assemblies you have referenced. Another cause could be the lack of those assemblies i.e. have you deployed the project correctly? More info is available in Deploying Applications using Telerik Reporting help article.

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answered on 05 Jul 2011, 05:58 AM
hi Admin

why are those Dll's not included in the whole package, i have added these dlls; which were not available
Telerik team
answered on 05 Jul 2011, 07:45 AM
Hi Vuyiswa,

The link to the deploying article you referenced contains the answer: During the installation of Telerik Reporting on your machine, the Telerik assemblies were added to GAC. When deploying a Web Application project the assemblies from the GAC are not copied automatically so you need to make sure the assemblies physically exist in the bin folder of your application. For more info refer to Project References MSDN article.

Kind regards,
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