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TextBox style problem

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wang zhong
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wang zhong asked on 12 Apr 2010, 09:12 AM

We met a problem about design the report.

There is a Table in report detail section. In each TextBox of table cell,it will be set a text value in table_Binding event. I want to set some textbox's font color to red. For example,whose value is "1". I use to do that. But because the table and textbox is in detail section, it seems this operation will change the color of template (affect all pages), not only one page include the textbox which value is "1". That's wrong result.

Do you have any other idea to implement such functions?

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Telerik team
answered on 14 Apr 2010, 05:58 PM
Hello wang zhong,

Most probably you have used a definition item instead of the processing counterpart (the sender argument), thus all of the processing items will be modified.
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wang zhong
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