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TextBox Alignment

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Grigory Bloch
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Grigory Bloch asked on 07 Oct 2009, 06:25 PM

I am putting together report using the table control. I have been trying to find a way to merge cells but it seems impossible at this point.
Please confirm.

Since I was not able to find a way top merge cells in order to put together the correct columns titles that span across multiple cells I've placed text boxes above the table and aligned the boxes to the exact lines of the cells.
However, when rendered in HTML the text boxes are no longer aligned.

Can you please advise how I can address such an issue. Screen shots attached.

Thank you,

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Telerik team
answered on 08 Oct 2009, 02:49 PM
Hello Grigory,

Your question has already been answered in your colleague's thread. Here is the answer just in case:

The misalignment of the table "columns" and the textboxes that you decided to use as "headers" is inevitable as the table can grow horizontally as well, so such approach is not recommended.
Merge functionality for the table item is available since v.Q2 2009, but you should have in mind that the table item is not a mere table, its "columns" and "rows" are column groups and row groups, thus rules are in order.
Namely when you select several cells which belong to a single dynamic (or static) group, then the context menu would show Merge Cells option. Once cells from a single group are merged they can be later split by selecting the merged cell and choosing Split Cells from the menu.
If you imagine the tree structure of the groups and parent/child relations it would become clear why you cannot merge cells from different groups.
If you need headers, then you should add a static row as top "row" for the table and use it for your needs.

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Grigory Bloch
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Telerik team
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