In our Radmap we have an InformationLayer and a SpatialDataReader.
We display regions as polygons.
How can we use a TextBlock or a label to show the RegionName in the polygon.
We tried making a DataTemplate but it would not work...
We display regions as polygons.
How can we use a TextBlock or a label to show the RegionName in the polygon.
We tried making a DataTemplate but it would not work...
<telerik:InformationLayer x:Name="MyLayer"> <telerik:InformationLayer.Reader> <telerik:SqlGeospatialDataReader x:Name="MyReader" Source="{Binding}" GeospatialPropertyName="RegionGeometry" ToolTipFormat="RegionName"> </telerik:SqlGeospatialDataReader> </telerik:InformationLayer.Reader> <telerik:InformationLayer.ShapeFill> <telerik:MapShapeFill Fill="#50CCFF66" Stroke="Orange" StrokeThickness="3" /> </telerik:InformationLayer.ShapeFill> </telerik:InformationLayer>