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Telerik Reporting Does Not Show the Full Text Content

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Courtney asked on 13 Jul 2018, 03:01 AM

We have ongoing horrible issues with the Telerik reporting whereby textboxes will not resize to fit the content.  Multi-line etc. is set as required and the field will ~90% of the time work and resize however the rest of the time it will not resize at all.


For example you may have text of:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

The textbox in the report will only show Line1 and then nothing, even though auto grow etc. are turned on.

This has been a massive problem for us and we get no end of support calls relating to this.  We've tried to reproduce it however it depends on both the text content and the position on the page and other elements in the report.  Understandbly clients are not happy if their report misses the description on an invoice or work order.  We've lost countless hours on this now and are transitioning to a different reporting solution for most elements as we just can't take it any more!


I'm assuming the response from Telerik is the same as the other private tickets we've raised which is we cannot reproduce.  I would encourage Telerik to take a look at the actual code and see what may cause the resize action to fail.

I would encourage anyone looking for a reporting solution that shows a dynamic amount of text, ie. 1 line at times or 2 or more lines other times, PLEASE DO NOT USE TELERIK REPORTING!!!! USE ANYTHING ELSE IF YOU WANT TO PRESERVE YOUR SANITY!

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Milen | Product Manager @DX
Telerik team
answered on 17 Jul 2018, 11:57 AM
Hello Courtney,

My name is Milen and I am the technical lead of the Telerik Reporting product development. As such, I feel responsible for each customer who did not find the trusted reporting tool in our offering. Based on the feedback we get from this forum post, I have personally reviewed the former communication related with your original inquiry. I can confirm what the support engineer stated - that we need to reproduce locally any incorrect behavior that you as our client experience, so that we can provide steps to avoid, workaround or confirm a bug on our side before fixing it.
Please refer to the original support thread where I have attached another sample project in our attempts to help identifying the source of the troubles. 

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answered on 08 Apr 2019, 12:17 AM

An update for anyone reading - we've tried this on various updates of Telerik Reporting and the same problem persists.  The textboxes do NOT reliably resize to fit dynamic text.  If you only have a single line and allocate space then it's fine.  If you need anything more than chances are your solution will work 90% of the time - Telerik reports will run and look ok.

However the 10% when it fails due to the content of the textbox and the spacing of other elements around that box, which makes it very hard to reproduce, results in a textbox failing to resize which leads to a support call from a customer.  This in turns leads to around half a day of wasted time liasing with customers, investigating the fault, cursing Telerik.

For our company this started happening 3 or more times a month and it was easier to spend a few days moving to different reporting framework than to have a massive ongoing drain on our support resources.

Telerik were always unable to reproduce the issue.



Milen | Product Manager @DX
Telerik team
answered on 09 Apr 2019, 11:51 AM

Indeed, we did not managed to reproduce the issue on our end, no matter the efforts. Meantime we did not get any related bug report from other customers neither. My request is, please, if anyone else can relate a locally observed behavior to the described in this thread, do contact our support service. You can help us identify the reason and address it for the future releases.

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Milen | Product Manager @DX
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