Dear Support,
I have a report that works with 3 different Cultures. With cultures in English and Spanish all seems to be working fine, but when we generate the report in Japan Culture, and we send it to print the print preview is not complete and if we send it to the printer it is also incomplete.
The report is also using a Japanese Font: "MS Pゴシック"
We were trying to watch what causes these problem and we got these results.
- If we generate the report with the Japan Culture and we choose a default font, the report is correct.
- If we generate the report with the English Culture or Spanish Culture with the Japanese Font: "MS Pゴシック" with the default font, the report is correct.
- If we generate the report with the Japan Culture and with de Japanese Font: "MS Pゴシック", the report is incorrect.
We cannot say that is a problem with the font because with English and Spanish Culture it generates correct.
We cannot say that is a problem with de Japan Culture because when we change the font to a default font or another Font (Tahoma, Arial) it generates correct.
It seems to be a problem when we use the Japan Culture with the Japanese Font.
Images: 1-ok.jpg, 2-ok.jpg, 3-ok.jpg Show that we generate a report with the Japanese Font but we changed by code the culture to English even we select Japan Culture to Generate.
Images: 1-wrong.jpg, 2-wrong.jpg, 3-wrong.jpg Show that we generate a report with the Japanese Font and Japan Culture and the report is not complete.
Thanks for your Help