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Telerik and MySQL

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Sasan asked on 27 Oct 2010, 07:23 PM
I have a MySQL data source that I want to use with Telerik.  Using the Data Source configuration wizard, I was able to point to my database, and access the stored procedures.  One thing I am not able to do though, is to get telerik to pick up my parameters in my query (whether it is in a stored procedure or if I enter the query in the wizard.  I tried a sql server data source, and it seems to pick up @ parameters just fine.  Is this a limitation of Telerik, or is there something special you have to do in this scenario?


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Telerik team
answered on 29 Oct 2010, 04:47 PM
Hello Sasan,

Can you confirm that you are using the latest Telerik Reporting version Q2 SP1 (v4.1.10.921)? If not please upgrade as parameters are working correctly with it (see attached video).

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the Telerik team
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