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Taskbar Icon not moving to next monitor

1 Answer 143 Views
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Marco asked on 12 Feb 2021, 11:40 PM


i was in correspondence with Martin Ivanov and we worked out some information i want to share.

Situation: Multi-Monitor-Environment with Taskbars on every monitor. Docking with floating panes and taskbar icon like: 

Problem: when moving a ToolWindow to the next monitor the taskbar icon stays on the monitor it was created.

Reason: some native WPF window behavior

Workaround: Create a custom ToolWindow and "refresh" icon when window is moved to an other monitor:

public class CustomToolWindow : ToolWindow
    private Screen _startMonitor;       
    public CustomToolWindow()
        LayoutChangeEnded += Window_LayoutChangeEnded;
        LayoutChangeStarted += Window_LayoutChangeStarted;
    private Screen FindMonitor()
        var yCenter = Top + (Height / 2);
        var xCenter = Left + (Width / 2);
        return Screen.AllScreens.FirstOrDefault(x =>
            x.Bounds.Top < yCenter && (x.Bounds.Top + x.Bounds.Height > yCenter)
            && x.Bounds.Left < xCenter && (x.Bounds.Left + x.Bounds.Width > xCenter)
    private void Window_LayoutChangeStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
        _startMonitor = FindMonitor();
    private void Window_LayoutChangeEnded(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Equals(_startMonitor, FindMonitor()))
            RadWindowInteropHelper.SetShowInTaskbar(sender as ToolWindow, false);
            RadWindowInteropHelper.SetShowInTaskbar(sender as ToolWindow, true);

I hope this helps. If someone optimize the code and find a solution to prevent the flickering on "refresh" please share it!

regards marco

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 16 Feb 2021, 11:00 AM

Hello Marco,

That is some great description. Thank you for sharing it. As a small gesture of gratitude for taking your time and preparing this information you can find your Telerik points updated.

Martin Ivanov
Progress Telerik

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Martin Ivanov
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